Anti Cellulite Massage

Massage for cellulite reduction is a non-invasive technique that involves gently massaging away the lumps and bumps of cellulite. It is an effective and pleasant way of reducing the look of the condition. There are a number of reasons why cellulite massage is so effective. Firstly, it assists with lymphatic drainage by increasing circulation to the cells deep under the skin. This increases blood flow and oxygen to the affected areas, releasing the build up of fluids and toxins, and softening up the fibrous bands that have hardened overtime. Secondly, the massaging motion stretches and relaxes the connective tissues, breaks up the fatty deposits, and smooths and tones the skin.
It is important to note that its can take several weeks to see results and that any gains you make are not permanent. To keep the results, it is essential that you continue maintenance sessions indefinitely. These maintenance sessions can be sustained at a lesser frequency than it took to obtain the gains.